
29 May 2009

Righteous Indignation

Not, really, but "Righteous Desires" isn't the Title grabber I was going for. Now, the Righteous Indignation made you stop and think, huh? :)

Naw, all kidding aside, I was pouting/venting this morning to a good friend about how it stinks that she gets to stay home and do Mommy things with her kids, or play at the pool (I bet you had so much fun, N!) and I have to go to work (pouty lip and everything). She let me pout, and I feel better. Also, D and I had a serious talk the other day about how, because of our situation (not any one's fault) that I am working and he is home (work AND school don't go too well together). So, someone has to pay the bills, and more importantly now the insurance!

I pouted, I cried, I considered increasing my medication, but my good friend told me that it's totally okay to have righteous desires. That's all she said.

I still want more children, too, but I can't have that least not the way we had planned years ago. But when she said that, it made me realize that I'm not just being a baby. I want to have those things, but it's because of our circumstances and not our choices...

I know life isn't perfect and I can't have everything I want. And, just because I have a righteous desire, doesn't mean I need more medication! :) Besides, tomorrow is Saturday, and I will be with my kids ALL day. Maybe I just need to learn better time-management skills :)

Have a great weekend!


Mama Bean said...

I think that all moms go through this!!! I felt guilty foe being at school all the time. But your friend is right. The desires are what keep us going b/c one day you will be there!! Keep you chin up. I think instead of of a med increase, you need a girls night out increase!! hehehe

Carolyn V. said...

After my dad was injured on the job and unable to work, my mom went back to support the family.

It was always so difficult for her to leave us as kids, but she always let us know how much she wanted to be home with us.

It was because of her righteous desires I have led the life I have. I know she didn't want to do it, but she did, and she did it for us. I love her for it and am proud of her.

I know the Lord knows that of you too. You are a great example. =)

Unknown said...

I love you girl!

TeresaL said...

HUGS! Love you!