
09 July 2008

In the Spirit of Capitalism...

...What if we dumped barrels of oil into Boston Harbor???

...maybe if they were empty and it was done out of symbolism? Naw, that wouldn't make any statements. But that's an idea!

Thing is, people would probably jump in and try to lift the barrels out, not out of protecting the environment but because they'd want the oil for themselves!!

I really think the only way to bring the price of something down is to NOT BUY IT. But how do we do that and still get ourselves to work? I, personally, can take the train, and D now has his motorcycle, but if it rains or when it snows he'll have to take the car, so we're still dependant. Last month we spent almost $400.00 on gas. Crap! No wonder things are tight. I'm sure everyone feels that way!

So what do we do? Not a clue. :)

I'm betting the average family cannot afford gas AND cannot afford to buy a new hybrid car or equivalent. So, I'm just throwing out ideas and seeing what comes of it. We can't buy a new car, so we are just trying to use less gas. That's all we can do right now. How about you?

But I really would like to throw the barrels into Boston Harbor...

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