
30 July 2008

Dinner, anyone?

I have very little kitchen access with the minimal remodeling, not to mention that if I don't prepare it the night before, we eat Mac 'n Cheese (not that the kids mind).

So, I've decided I need to get myself organized. Yup. I need to make a schedule for every aspect of my life in order to get through the day. Let me rephrase: productively get through the day, i.e. balanced meals, laundry where it needs to be (folded, put away), messes cleaned, grimy bathroom/kitchen taken care of.

This shouldn't be difficult, considering I've been making lists and planners my whole life but since having children, the lists become harder and harder to stick to. Like the grocery list: great idea and big help, but not when you leave it at home or even in the car!!

Answer? Chore Chart :)

One for everyone. I'll let you know how it works...

Eliza said Lily needs one. Okay, sweetie.

1 comment:

Terésa said...

Oy, you're making my head hurt!