
24 July 2008

And then the Pioneers wore Hiking Boots...

"Who was the first to graduate from college, first to join a new religion or move away from family. Use this definition to share a piece of your family history."
(I tried to get this posted on Tuesday, alas my schedule gets away from me!)

I guess I was the first to move away from home. Technically, Mack went on his mission first, but that doesn't really count. But, even though I moved out, I was living with another family as their Nanny...but I was on the other side of the country, in a small town in Nowhere New York, Walkabuck, NY. Big house, though. :) It was a tough but great experience and really strengthened my relationship with my family and also my testimony. I was so utterly alone and was forced to rely on the guidance of the Spirit and felt so blessed for do so! I learned so much and made great friends. It was a personal pioneer experience and set the stage (and foundation) for my life so far.

When I hit a low spot in my life due to poor choices, I was able to reflect on my past in New York, how it prepared me for my mission, and my mission and how it prepared me to lean on Christ, helping me through it all...Line upon line...

All so very personal, something I'll probably only share with my children when they need extra strength from the crazy world we now live in.

Anyway, some fun pictures from our Primary Pioneer Hike the last weekend in June

1 comment:

Mariam said...

Your girls look so cute in their little hats.