
29 May 2008

Leaps and Bounds for Good Girls

She's done it. Lydia can successfully get herself out of her crib. The other morning, I thought she was still asleep after Eliza came down, so E was watching PBS while I was doing laundry. I heard a pitter-patter, then something move across the floor. I listened just to see/hear what would happen. A few minutes later, L scooted down the stairs with a roll in her hand, which she found on the counter (she pulled the chair over to the counter and climbed up on it!). She was so proud of herself, showed me the roll and started giggling! She's saying more and more words all the time and is just growing up so fast! I forget she's not quite 2 yet, but she's trying her best to catch up to her big brother and sister. I'm just trying to soak it all in so I don't forget what it's like to be young and impressionable, where everything is new and every task is a new challenge. The look on her face when she climbs into her booster seat is....I can't even describe it, I just want to hug and kiss it!

Eliza asked me today why I don't say "Good girl" to her like I do to Lydia. Ouch. She was serious, too. I explained that I thought for her, that phrase might be too young for a big girl. I tell her "Great job," or "You're such a good helper" or other such age-appropriate phrases, but apparently I can simplify my thoughts. "No," she said. "I like 'good girl' better 'cause I'm good and I'm a girl." I couldn't have put it better myself, my girly princess Diva. Gosh, I love you guys.


Terésa said...

Awww... That is sooo sweat!! I LOVE your answer! Good thinking! That would have worked for Carter, but he's not a girl... so... ;) Your such a good mommy!

Mariam said...

Thanks for the reminder. I have been working on re-potty training K, and she has received tons of attention. Sometimes it is so easy to forget the older ones. I'll give D a big hug and tell him how much I love him tonight.