
15 January 2009

T I M E is relative

I'm trying really hard to not let my work experiences make their way to this page...really hard.

"It's the same way every time!"

There, that's it. That's all you're gonna get. Just the vision of that gives me a good chuckle. Sometimes, that's all we need, hu?

Well, life goes on. That's what I'm experiencing. We moved, D and E started back into school, L started a structured day care, I'm still working, my little bro is getting married this weekend, and L counted to 15 by herself this morning!!

Yes, life goes on and I'm having a hard time not only capturing it but keeping it all straight. I keep waiting for the "when everything slows down and I can take a deep breath" time and I can feel like I'm not running my pants off. Besides, tonight is our FHE because we have Jordan Thursday nights, so there's no rest tonight.

Speaking of, I better go and help E with her homework while L counts the crayons...again...Oh crap, I need to go switch the laundry!!!


Jenny said...

You NEED a vacation.

Anonymous said...

Rachel, you can do it! Your awesome, don't forget it! You work so hard and do so well in everything, way to go! There you go a little needed cheer leading from me! (and your last post was sadly very very funny!-seriously though, I hope your doing okay now)