
03 January 2009

Happy New Year!!

I'm going to spare you all a list of my Resolutions, of which I've learned a long time ago that by March they are pretty much non-exsitant. :) Besides, they were all stuff that I'd generally be working on even if I didn't have a reason like 'New Year Resolutions' to write them down. One year, I was so bold to make up a progress calendar in order to keep myself on track ... I must have lost it somewhere.

No worries. My goals are safe in my head (while I'm currently eatting toffee-covered nuts) and I can't wait to fight people for that treadmill, as soon as I find the closest 24Hour Fitness. I don't worry. They'll be all mine by the end of the month, anyway.

Best of Luck! Enjoy the random pictures!


Alida B. said...

Love the "random" pics!

Mariam said...

Cute family, cute pics.

Anonymous said...

Loved the pictures. And your site is so interesting and well done. Love You-Mom & Dad