Since Mr. Eyjafjallajökull is deciding to send forth more ash clouds and send Europe into disarray every few weeks, I wanted to do some research and see what this would mean for us, over on the other side of the world, just Food for Thought.
Basically, unless you're flying to Europe, don't expect much of our daily routines to be interrupted. Some meteorologists from NASA (read toward the bottom of the article) are saying that, because of the large and continuous ash plume that followed the initial eruption, it's possible that we may experience a mild summer. Also, there have been 3 other volcanic eruptions coinciding with Eyjafjallajökull's debut (refer back to the article). Fascinating that some volcanic ash that is half a world away can have an effect on us, here in our own little world. Just shows how inter-connected everything can be.
A Great Lesson: One small effort can have huge effects. Pass it on!
I'm surprised how something so far away can effect us. It's amazing.
Well, it is snowing here right now... so it must be right! ;) (really it IS snowing)
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