
14 January 2010

Where Do These Things Come From??

E, after much trial and twisting and coaxing, finally pulled out another tooth!! She has so many wiggly ones and finally wiggled one of those out. So, she put the tooth under the pillow, anxiously waiting to fall asleep and waking up to the extra $$$. I told D before we went to bed, "Do NOT let me forget to go in there." A few hours later, I'm asleep :)

D took in some $$ around 5:30am.

E woke up and was so excited to show me her $$. Then she added, "Dad brought me the money, I woke up and saw him. But the Tooth Fairy still took my tooth!"

Insert here, either perfect opportunity to lay into one of the many false-hoods we feed our children, or just move on and go make breakfast.

I chickened out and, hugged her, help her put her money away and went to make breakfast. I know, I know. But I just wasn't in the mood for that conversation. I know where it will end up..."So sorry Sweetie, but yes, it's true. I have been lying to you for 71/2 years about Santa, the Easter Bunny, and yes, the Tooth Fairy. But hey, I'll still give you money for your teeth. Now you don't have to wait all night! Isn't that great? Yes, you can still get presents at Christmas."

Seriously? The Tooth Fairy? Who thought this up? Not only money for your tooth, but you have to put it under your pillow and some "fairy" will take it to who-knows-where, and why?

I don't know!

Is it fun? But is it fun to find out the reality? Why do we do this to ourselves, and pass it on to our children?

And, yes, I think I can handle THIS Tooth Fairy :)


Kimi said...

I know, right!!! It's enough to make a mom crazy. I finally told my boys the truth this year...

Carolyn V. said...

It's so hard. I had told our oldest (when he was younger) about Santa. It hadn't sunk in at the time that it was the same for the Tooth Fairy. He was really disappointed when he found out.

Jenny said...

I agree...who starts all this stuff.