
07 October 2008

My Version of Clean... not like Martha Stewart (read the blog about sheets). Nope. Laundry sometimes means wash what you can so you can have something to ware the next day (may even involve mixing colors - gasp!!).

Last weekend, up at my parents house, L had a diaper blow-out. So as I'm putting her clothes (and car seat cover) in the washer, I can't justify running even a small load with only 4 things in the washer! So, I stripped then (after putting on my pj's) went and confiscated D's and E's clothes. There. Totally justified water consumption.

That was Friday.

Saturday morning: D, did you put my phone somewhere? No. It's not in your purse? You'd think, hu. It's...not...oh crap!!

Running to the washer did little to help the fact the washing cycle finished more than 10 hours prior. Yah, my phone was at the bottom, falling out of my pant's pocket as I whipped them out.

WHO HAS THE CLEANEST PHONE?!?!?! Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah. It's so clean it doesn't even WORK anymore! Now, that's Clean.

And that's how you do that, and get a new phone. LG Rumor, as shiney green as my favorite Prada purse. Oh Yeah!


Terésa said...

I want a cell phone!! Now go and find a picture of said phone, and add it to your post so I know what it looks like and I can thoroughly be jealous!!

Miss M said...

Silly R, phones are for talking, not washing.

TeresaL said...

oh man! But yay for the new phone!

Terésa said...

I want to see a picture!!!

Alida B. said...

Yikes! That sucks....I used to have throw my cell phone in water disease. I lost 3 cellphones that a ROW! Sorry it happened to you :( Atleast it's shiny and purty right?! (Give it to the kids they will LOVE to play with it)