
14 December 2008

My Grown-up Christmas List

Any more, the fun of Christmas has been taken over by keeping presents hidden from children and locking myself in a room while I wrap said presents. Then, as artfully as I can muster, arranging the bundles under the Christmas tree. That is a fun sense of accomplishment.

I asked D the other day if he knew what he would be getting me for Christmas. In front of the kids, he asked if I'd written my letter to Santa. How else would Santa know what I wanted. Oh, okay. So I did, and even told him where it needed to go after it was wrapped (ie: under tree or in stocking). That got me thinking: I should make my Grown-up Christmas List. Why not? Indulge me. :) Any of you should do it too!

**No More Taxes
**Financial Freedom
**Good health
**Healthy Family
**Sidewalk Chalk
**Wii Fit :)
**Unbreakable, never need sharpening colored pencils
**World Peace
**Personal Chef
**Massage once a week for the rest of my life
**Craft closet organizer
**Self-cleaning Bathroom

Yah, it's fun to dream about 'what if.' The truth is, even though there will always be something that will make me say, "Oh, wouldn't that be nice," there will always be a drawback. I work hard for what I do have and I love every minute of the work. Besides, if I had a house cleaner, how would my children learn to scrub floors like I did? On my hands and knees? Not even Swiffer can clean like that! :) I am grateful for each and every one of my blessings and inconveniences because they help me enjoy the time I do have with my family.

Enjoy the Holiday! Merry Christmas


Jenny said...

I love the self cleaning bathroom wish. I need one of those.

Miss M said...

Massage once a week? I love it. You are now on the tier of "enlightened people I know".