
19 April 2008

New Poll

Wasn't that last poll about the chances of conceiving fun?? Thanks to all who put in their guesses. We'll see what happens! No news yet, but we aren't really holding our breath. Anyway, I'm getting ready to actually BUY some paint for my kitchen. I've been collecting paint cards and straining my eyes over different shades of yellow and soft greens and light and dark purples and burgandies to find the perfect matches. So, I've found some a wreath. And when I'm all done, you'll see what I mean, but it has the perfect colors for me right now. Soft yellow walls with sage green and dark purple sponging around the top portions, maybe some border around the big window. We will be putting more shelves up, too, to be able to add more cookie jars to my collection! But, the dilema is whether or not to have an accent wall over by the stairs. So, why not let some of you have a say? It'll be fun, but it won't last for long! I need to make up my mind soon before I forget to schedule this project into my life! Thanks for all your comments and encouragements!

1 comment:

Mariam said...

I just can't picture it. If you posted a pic it might help.