
16 August 2011

Drawing Near...

The summer flew by. The kids were able to go on a few camping trips with D's family and I was able to join them at Cherry Hill, but my new job has taken up most of my time this summer. I didn't compromise on the Annual Redfish Lake pilgrimage, however...I DO have priorities.

Other than that, the family has been hanging at home, playing at the neighborhood playground, a few play dates up the street and of course, hours at Nannie's and Papa's (my parents).

The summer is coming to an end...I feel seeing the last few pages of a good book and thinking, "No! It can't end yet! I want more story! I want more adventure! Don't end yet; I don't want to go back to doing dishes!" Oh, you don't have those feelings regarding books? Well, you haven't read a really good one then!

Yes, things are winding down. The kids are getting restless from a lack of structure (I can just tell it's eating them up). Ok, maybe it's just ME getting restless, but still. Yesterday, the temp outside wasn't a bazillion degrees so it got my system remembering that FALL is coming! Yeah!

I didn't plant a garden this year, not to insinuate I've done so in the past. Just sayin' there isn't a Fall Harvest to look forward to. I'm just looking forward to getting all of us on a routine. Not to worry: the ROUTINE will be age and developmentally appropriate. Just because I am a Recovering Perfectionist doesn't mean I have to give up on routines, I just 'scale it down' a bit... Is lamination of the Chore Chart too much? Nah...


Miss M said...

Does lamination of the make chore chart make a friendly environment for dry erase markers? If so, I say GO FOR IT!! (I already laminated mine.)

And, yes, I feel that way about books.

Carolyn V said...

I still can't believe my kids started school this week. I wish I would have taken it a little easier this summer. ;)