
10 June 2010

Back in the saddle, as it were...

I can't believe it's been 10 days since I've written anything...not that I haven't thought of anything to write, just haven't wanted to sit down and do it... kind of like my piling laundry (which D has done 4 - count them 4!!- loads today, while I'm away playing nurse with a bunch of docs). So, now, since I don't have laundry to complain about, I guess I could think of something interesting to write...Naaww. I'll just show you some pics :)

Here, E is practicing holding a violin. I'm totally serious when I say that this small violin is no larger than my forearm! She's so excited to start a String Program in her new school this fall.

And you thought the one E was holding was small, you can tell the proportion to L's arm!! Holy cow! How adorable would that be to see my small 4 year old playing Mary Had A Little Lamb??

Reminds me of a fire work :) Just a fun picture I took of a flower. No editing, either :)

This was just a week ago in Bountiful. This whole family is so much fun! :) D's Uncle and Aunt and their 8 sons and respective spouses and children. Yes, I said 8 boys. This was wedding #5. Number 6 will be next month! I love getting together with them, always such a fun time!!

Hope you enjoyed the pics. I'll think of something more interesting later... :)


Carolyn V. said...

E is learning the violin? That is so awesome! And the wedding pic is beautiful. I hope you guys had a great time. =)

Terésa said...

I wish I liked getting together with my in-laws. Yeah, that's the only comment I have. :-s